
Streamline your workflow by synchronizing your design tokens with your repository. Tokens Studio Tailwind will then generate all the corresponding variables and components.

  1. Install Tokens Studio

    Start by installing Tokens Studio on your Figma project and click on the `New empty file` button.

    You can get a copy of the Tokens Studio Tailwind UI kit. See the Figma page.
    step 1 Tokens Studio
  2. Create a dark theme

    Add a set dark by clicking on the `New Set` button.

    New Set
  3. Add default tokens

    Select each theme (set), click on the JSON button {}, copy and past the following JSON, then click the `Save JSON`button.

    Once you have defined both themes, try activating the dark theme by checking the checkbox in the 'dark' set. For further information, please refer to this link.


    { "my-color": { "value": "#b91c1c", "type": "color" }, "my-font-size-token": { "value": "32", "type": "fontSizes" }, "my-shadow-tokens": { "value": { "x": "0", "y": "25", "blur": "50", "spread": "-12", "color": "#1d4ed8", "type": "dropShadow" }, "type": "boxShadow" }, "my-shadow-color": { "default": { "value": "228, 10, 10", "type": "color" } }, "my-complex-shadow-tokens": { "default": { "value": [ { "x": 5, "y": 5, "spread": 3, "color": "rgba({my-shadow-color.default}, 0.15)", "blur": 5, "type": "dropShadow" }, { "x": 4, "y": 4, "spread": 6, "color": "#00000033", "blur": 5, "type": "innerShadow" } ], "type": "boxShadow" } }, "my-gradient": { "value": "linear-gradient (45deg, {red.700} 0%, {blue.700} 100%)", "type": "color" }, "my-border": { "value": { "width": "4", "style": "dashed", "color": "{red.700}" }, "type": "border" }, "my-border-radius": { "value": "10% 30% 50% 70%", "type": "borderRadius" }, "my-spacing": { "value": "1rem 20 8 14", "type": "spacing" }, "background": { 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  4. Sync your tokens with your repository

    Follow this step Tokens Studio sync methods

    Using the free version of Tokens Studio means that each theme is a `Set`.